Picture of John Jennings
Media Component and Interactive Transcripts
by John Jennings - Wednesday, 13 December 2017, 11:30 AM

Hi Folks,

I'm new to this community and am slowly getting up to speed on the wonderful framework that is Adapt so please excuse any ill-informed questions at this point :) 

I am currently evaluating Adapt to package a video heavy e-learning course and have a question about the use of interactive transcripts (e.g. the auto highlighting of sentences in sync with the video being played ). I'm not sure but I don't think that MediaElementsJS supports this feature but other FOSS html5 players can be tinkered with to make it happen. 

So questions:

Has anyone got interactive video transcripts working in Adapt?

Can the default video player be changed?



Thanks in Advance




Picture of Matt Leathes
Re: Media Component and Interactive Transcripts
by Matt Leathes - Wednesday, 13 December 2017, 12:27 PM

"auto highlighting of sentences in sync with the video being played" (in the style of lynda.com) is not supported, no.

it does support VTT captions though, would that not suffice?

The media component doesn't allow for the player to be swapped out but you can of course build your own media component equivalent that uses whatever player you like, like this and this for example. Equally you could use an iframe component to embed whatever content you like.

Equally if you fancied having a go at making this work with the existing media component you could presumably use the timings in the .vtt to find and highlight the relevant text in the transcript.

Picture of John Jennings
Re: Media Component and Interactive Transcripts
by John Jennings - Thursday, 14 December 2017, 11:48 AM

Hi Matt,

Thanks for your reply.

Yes VTT captions and the show/hide of a transcript will probably will be fine but I'd still like to explore the inclusion of interactive transcripts. Great suggestions, thanks. I will have a look at iframes first and then perhaps the building of a new component as you suggested if i have time.  Great way to learn more about Adapt I guess :) 

