I have a persistent loading in mobile (not only in mobile but also on pc when changing screen size in Chrome console).
Everything seems to load (at least, there is no loading failure in my console).
Any clue to solve this?
I have a persistent loading in mobile (not only in mobile but also on pc when changing screen size in Chrome console).
Everything seems to load (at least, there is no loading failure in my console).
Any clue to solve this?
Are you working in the Authoring Tool or Framework?
If in the AT, have you added any custom CSS that uses @media to apply different styles based on max-width screen sizes?
It could be that you have a conflict in screen size detection. Just a guess.
So I've tested without my less files and the project doesn't load on mobile size. So this is not a problem of screen size conflict I guess.
The method pageView.isReady() is never fired (this is the method that hides the loader).
What can be wrong?
The method adaptModel.checkReadyStatus() is fired but : 52 for desktop and 48 for mobile. So I guess something doesn't set _isReady to true in mobile.
Oh! My fault! It seems that it comes from my modified version of the hotgraphic component.
I have added an attribute to allow keeping hotgraphic on small device (it's work well on portrait mode) instead of the narrative fallback. I think the hotgraphic doesn't send isReady on mobile.
How can I be sure to set isReady to true on the hotgraphic component?