Picture of Tom Baum
rub installation
by Tom Baum - Monday, 8 January 2018, 9:24 AM


I'd like to test the rub-buildkit, but have some issues. I followed your instructions:

  1. install rub-builkit globaly (but without sudo)
  2. create a new course with 'adapt create course'
  3. change into the build folder and run 'adapt-buildkit install rub'
  4. run ./rub -h and rub -V (0.0.9) : both commands give the expected output
  5. but when i run ./rub and ./rub -b, respectively, i get the prompt to install rub.

Do i have to install the rub-buildkit implicitly as root (normaly i never install npm packages globaly as root for security reasons) or do i missing something else?

Picture of Oliver Foster
Re: rub installation
by Oliver Foster - Monday, 8 January 2018, 10:10 AM

rub-buildkit is deprecated.

Please use rub-cli instead.

rub isn't supported by the Adapt Community. Please leave issues on github.