Picture of Leo Gaggl
Experience API contrib module
by Leo Gaggl - Wednesday, 7 May 2014, 7:52 AM

Hi all,

We have been doing some early exploration with Adapt and quite like what we have found so far. Great work ! One thing we have not yet seen and I have searched the forum for is a module for interacting with ExperienceAPI LRS's. There have been a number of threads in regards to this topic and there has been some interest shown. But as far as I can tell 

We would be interested in contributing some "adapt-contrib-xapi" module since we are doing a lot of xAPI related work at the moment, but I wanted to check if somebody else is already working on this. Would be a shame to duplicate efforts.

Cheers from down under,


Picture of Chris Jones
Re: Experience API contrib module
by Chris Jones - Thursday, 8 May 2014, 10:14 AM

Hello Leo,

Thanks for your interest in Adapt! Its great to receive positive feedback!

The core team is currently not working any kind of xAPI integration, however I would encourage anyone who is interested in getting involved to consider contributing a community plugin. 

If there is enough support then its possible it would get considered for contrib status at some point in the future.





Re: Experience API contrib module
by Sven Laux - Thursday, 8 May 2014, 11:41 AM

Hi Leo,

thanks for your note and offer of contributing an xAPI tracking plug-in!

xAPI tracking is something quite high on our agenda, although, as Chris says we're not currently actively developing it. We would be very keen to work with you on this feature and support you with regards to how best to implement it. 

I will reach out to you via email and see if we can have a call over the next few days.

Best regards and hopefully speak to you soon,
