Picture of Federico Carrizo
"No State found" issue with adapt authoring + tracking hub
by Federico Carrizo - Wednesday, 17 January 2018, 8:28 PM

Hi guys!

We just generated a course with Adapt Authoring Tool but when I open it I get the following error from my LRS:

{errorId: "7fffd99b-9f78-46fa-a442-e68c88a21125", message: "A server error occurred"}

And localstorage says:

{"errorId":"e2626755-94d8-4c73-8343-7a83d292b6e8","message":"No State found","basic":{"contentObjects":{ ... } }

Any body knows anything about the "No State Found"? 
Full request details:
Picture of Dan Rooney
Re: "No State found" issue with adapt authoring + tracking hub
by Dan Rooney - Friday, 2 February 2018, 7:35 PM



I don't see "account" in my requests (using learning locker).  I'm not getting an errors from the LRS but I'm getting emtpy results so I'm not too confident yet in my settings.  I'm thinking this might have something to do with your _xapiLaunchMethod.  I think scorm uses an "account".


Here is an example of my activities/state call (using curl... names and keys changed to protect the innocent). The following returns "{}":

curl -i -H "Authorization: Basic ASDFSADSADSADFSRDFHFSGHREEGERGGDFHHETHDGDFGdsfgsdfgDFGERGHjfgjSFHGSHAERGGGDSFDfgdFDFSDFSDFHdsfhsdfhDSFSDFSDF" -H "X-Experience-API-Version:1.0.1" 'http://mylocallearninglockerURL.internal/data/xAPI/activities/state?activityId=http%3A%2F%2Fmycourseid%2F&agent=%7B%22objectType%22%3A%22Agent%22%2C%22name%22%3A%22John%20Doe%22%2C%22mbox%22%3A%22mailto%3Ajdoe%40doeenterprises.com%22%7D&stateId=ACTIVITY_STATE'



Picture of Dan Rooney
Re: "No State found" issue with adapt authoring + tracking hub
by Dan Rooney - Friday, 2 February 2018, 8:40 PM

I have the LRS returning data now on activities/state.  I remember reading somewhere about needing to have the browser channel on (I had it disabled).  Once I re-enabled it the state data started storing.