Picture of Amy Groshek
Vertical ordering of drawer extensions
by Amy Groshek - Friday, 2 February 2018, 5:21 PM

First off, just want to take a second to praise the framework. This tool is something I've literally brainstormed in my mind many times while building SCORM content. It does exactly what I would have wanted, with many of the tools I would have picked.


I'm using adapt-aboutUs and adapt-contrib-drawerPageNavigation, and right now the aboutUs content shows up first. Is there an easy way to change that, so that the page navigation is the first option? Changing _drawerOrder doesn't seem to have any effect. 

Picture of Matt Leathes
Re: Vertical ordering of drawer extensions
by Matt Leathes - Friday, 2 February 2018, 6:15 PM

Hi Amy

Thanks for the great feedback! So pleased you are enjoying using Adapt.

I think the problem is that it's necessary for a plugin that wants to add itself to the Drawer with support for _drawerOrder to pass that data along with the request to add itself to the drawer.

You can see the resources extension doing that here.

I'm guessing that the third-party plugins you're using haven't implemented that yet - which is not surprising as this feature was only added back in July and we didn't do much (anything, in fact!) to publicise that people would need to implement it...  somehow didn't even make it into the release notes!

You'll need to log a ticket for each of those plugins either asking the owners to implement support or, if you want, fork their repositories, fix it yourself and issue a PR.

Picture of Amy Groshek
Re: Vertical ordering of drawer extensions
by Amy Groshek - Friday, 2 February 2018, 7:49 PM

Very helpful, Matt. When I add the _drawerOrder to the drawerObject for both plugins it works as expected.