Picture of Tom Taylor
Announcing the release of authoring tool v0.4.1!
by Tom Taylor - Monday, 5 February 2018, 11:46 AM

Morning all,

The core team would like to announce the official release of v0.4.1!

This release brings lots of performance improvements and bug fixes over 0.4.0, and as such, we recommend that any users on this version upgrade as soon as is convenient. For full details on what's changed, check the CHANGELOG.md.

If you're looking to upgrade an existing install, you can find instructions on how to do this on the adapt_authoring wiki. As always, we recommend that you take the necessary precautions when upgrading a production installation to safeguard against any potential data loss/issues that may arise during the upgrade -- at the very least, you should create a back-up of the database and source files.

Picture of Helen Bailey
Re: Announcing the release of authoring tool v0.4.1!
by Helen Bailey - Monday, 5 February 2018, 5:44 PM

Woo! Thanks Tom :) Installing now.