Design-stream call 09/05/2014
by Sven Laux - Tuesday, 27 May 2014, 9:29 AM

Catching up on posting design stream call notes.

Notes from 09/05:

Attendees were Sven and the majority of the authoring tool developers. We focused on reviewing the design stream work and the current 'design review' taking place by Michael Palmer.

The objectives of the design review by Michael are:

  • to bring consistency into the overall authoring tool design
  • to de-clutter the interface and free up screen real estate
  • to achieve a single design, which would work across all types of devices we are aiming at for the authoring tool (desktops + tablets)

As part of the call we stepped through the more consistent designs Michael has produced for various sections and discussed the approach.  We also stepped through Petra's work on asset management, which was well received. Feedback on the new approach (as per Michael's design concepts) was very positive and we agreed to pursue this rather than implementing the old designs).

We also agreed that v0.1 of the authoring tool has to incorporate the user interface designs (to the extent of the agreed scope) rather than being purely functional without the designs applied. In summary, we regarded having a coherent and well designed UI as a top priority even for our initial version 0.1 release (which is not aimed at non-technical end users).

Priorities for the next period were set as:

  • Incorporating real-life data from schemas into the designs for component editing to ascertain how the user interface for component editing could realistically be designed.
  • To carry on working on the asset management UI.