- Michael, Petra, Daryl, Sven
- Michael
- Showed the updates on the UI of asset management.
- Addressed the left hand column in particular and agreed that this is consistently displayed throughout the Authoring tool UI (other than on the login screen).
- Explored whether the left hand column should be collapsible and agreed this was not a priority.
- Agreed that the left hand column should always display the available user actions.
- Talked through the interface for filters
Considered that the left hand column might not be big enough to show the full filtering options; agreed that if space is an issue we would use a popup to change the filtering options.
Talked through the concept of collections (they are essentially saved filters)
- Talked through viewing permissions and agreed that users would only see the assets they are permitted to see; all assets would be displayed in the central column and can be filtered down.
- Request for guidance:
- define the actions on the left hand panel for each of the sections that have been designed so far; we agreed the next step was to work through the requirements list and check each section as to whether the requirements were relevant and, if so, had been included as action buttons or other UI features. Also agreed to review schemas and feed further detail into the designs (largely done by Petra).
- Blockers: no blockers
- Priorities:
- Further focus on asset management, especially on the workflow of adding / choosing an asset for a component as part of the 'data entry' / population task.
- Get design review work to a state where progress can be shared with the community (before the end of the month), e.g. by adding explanations etc.
- Sven
- Priority is to open up a view on progress on the new UI design to the community
- Expressed that this ought to be an insight rather than the presentation of completed work
- Target is to achieve this by the end of this month (July)
- Elements / sections to show are:
- Login
- Profile
- Courses dashboard
- Course structure
- Page structure
- Component editing
- Asset management
- Petra
- Completed the schema document and presented this to Michael
- Schema document completed for the purpose of the design work
- Ongoing discussions around design tasks with Michael
- Not sure about priorities and next steps
- Agreed for Petra to support Michael on the review of sections against requirements task and also on the component editing: choosing and asset workflow
- Daryl
- Showed progress on the authoring tool implementation (looked great)