Picture of Stevan Minet
variable @ie8-max-width is undefined in src/less/adapt.less
by Stevan Minet - Tuesday, 8 July 2014, 3:05 PM

Hi everyone !

I'm trying to build my first course but i'm experiencing the following error after typing $ grunt build :


variable @ie8-max-width is undefined in src/less/adapt.lesswhich leads to

Warning: Error compiling src/less/adapt.less

Aborted due to warnings.


So the server is running correctly at http://localhost:9001/ with nothing within the page.


Have you got any idea on how to fix that error ?


Thanks for your help :)




Picture of Nicola Bamford
Re: variable @ie8-max-width is undefined in src/less/adapt.less
by Nicola Bamford - Tuesday, 8 July 2014, 3:49 PM

Hi Stevan

Looks like grunt is pointing directly at the problem for you - an issue on line 83 of your .less file.

Hope that helps.


Picture of Kevin Jones
Re: variable @ie8-max-width is undefined in src/less/adapt.less
by Kevin Jones - Tuesday, 8 July 2014, 5:18 PM

I've just come across it myself.

I can point at the problem, not solved yet though.

This file is missing - https://github.com/adaptlearning/adapt-contrib-vanilla/blob/master/less/variables.less

The LESS notation for variables is @something and that needs to be defined before it can run.. i'm going to try copying that back into this project and it should polyfil the missing variables.


So i ended up here when i cloned https://github.com/adaptlearning/adapt_framework, and saw the same error you did.

However, after i dropped the above file (variables) into the project, it then fell over at templates stuff. 

If you're just wanting to get a project built, the adapt-cli npm generator is a good one.


And it gives you all the plumbing you need to see this in action 

One note : You might see a Karma dependency issue after you run "npm install" - just edit your package.json in your generated course to change the version, i find this works. ("karma": "~0.12.8",)


Picture of Stevan Minet
Re: variable @ie8-max-width is undefined in src/less/adapt.less
by Stevan Minet - Wednesday, 9 July 2014, 7:28 AM

Thanks Kevin for your reply.

I was feeling that I had to define this variable in a specific file but I didn't know where actually...thanks for that !

However I tried yesterday to force the process by typing $ grunt build --force and I fell over the template error as you did.

I'll try what you advice me !




Picture of Daryl Hedley
Re: variable @ie8-max-width is undefined in src/less/adapt.less
by Daryl Hedley - Tuesday, 8 July 2014, 6:42 PM

Hey Stevan,

Did you run "$ adapt install"? Looks like you haven't installed the core bundled plugins. Let me know if this doesn't solve the issue.



Picture of Stevan Minet
Re: variable @ie8-max-width is undefined in src/less/adapt.less
by Stevan Minet - Wednesday, 9 July 2014, 7:50 AM

Hey Daryl,

Thanks for your answer.

Basically I followed the instructions given there :


Maybe I missed a step but I don't think it was mentionned.


I tried $ npm install and $ adapt install but that didn't solve the issue.


Thanks for your help !




Picture of Kevin Jones
Re: variable @ie8-max-width is undefined in src/less/adapt.less
by Kevin Jones - Wednesday, 9 July 2014, 8:27 AM

$adapt install fixed it for me, i fell over a little when i missed off the global switch and 'adapt' wasn't actually a command, but after that it ran the installation for the adapt packages missed.

Still had to update the Karma package version but that was fine.


Picture of Daryl Hedley
Re: variable @ie8-max-width is undefined in src/less/adapt.less
by Daryl Hedley - Wednesday, 9 July 2014, 9:45 AM

Hey Stevan,

Here's the instructions for a manual download:


Remember you'll need to install node, git, grunt (globally) and adapt-cli (globally).

Let me know if you need anything else or this doesn't work. If you get any errors can you send a screen shot please?



Picture of Stevan Minet
Re: variable @ie8-max-width is undefined in src/less/adapt.less
by Stevan Minet - Wednesday, 9 July 2014, 12:38 PM

Thanks for your answers, it's working :) !

There was basically an issue with Git after $ adapt install :

failed to execute "git ls-remote --tags --heads git://github.com/adaptlearning/adapt-contrib-graphic.git"

So I changed the "git://" by "https://" this way (maybe it could help someone) :

  1. I opened a Git Bash window
  2. I typed the command git config --global url."https://".insteadOf git://
  3. In node.js command prompt, I retyped the command $ adapt install
  4. The adapt plugins installation process began...

Then $ grunt build and $ grunt server lead me to the build visualization :)


Thanks !

Re: variable @ie8-max-width is undefined in src/less/adapt.less
by Sven Laux - Tuesday, 22 July 2014, 9:02 AM

Hi Stevan,

I'm glad you got this work.

There is an update available here: https://community.adaptlearning.org/mod/forum/discuss.php?d=352 - I think this may be related and worth being aware of.


Picture of Stevan Minet
Re: variable @ie8-max-width is undefined in src/less/adapt.less
by Stevan Minet - Wednesday, 23 July 2014, 8:20 AM

Hi Sven,

Thanks for your help and this useful information !

