Picture of Steven W
Adapt Development Companies
by Steven W - Tuesday, 28 August 2018, 7:21 PM

Hello Adapt Community,

We are looking for front-end developers that have experience with creating mobile responsive eLearning using the Adapt Framework. We want to interview a few developers to create a list of external resources that can be used to augment our internal resources when the workload is beyond our internal capacity. Your developers need to share our passion for developing engaging, high-quality, and highly usable eLearning course. We are looking for companies that have the following skillsets and meet these expectations:

  1. Extensive development experience with the Adapt Framework, not just the authoring tool.
  2. Intermediate to advanced Git understanding as well as experience working with GitHub, including the use of "issue", "pull requests", and "projects".
  3. Strong understanding of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
  4. Attention to detail and thorough quality control is a must.
  5. Strong commitment to the project timeline and budget is required.
  6. Understanding of backbone.js would be a nice to have.
  7. Graphic and animation creation resources are desired, however, we can augment this resource elsewhere, if needed. 

If you feel your company fits the above description, we want to setup a meeting with you. Please contact me at stevenw@getyardstick.com to arrange a video call to discuss our needs with you.

