Picture of Eri L
Setting up a demo course on a regular webpage
by Eri L - Thursday, 30 August 2018, 6:23 AM

Hello everyone!

I understand from previous posts that it is possible to set up an Adapt course as one would with a regular webpage if you didn't need SCORM information. 

However, I couldn't really find clear instructions about how to do this. 

I am using the Authoring Tool, not the Framework, to create a one page course. Let's say I clicked "publish" on the Authoring Tool, which creates a zip folder. What would my next steps be?

Newbie here; thank you for your patience! :)

I am considering two options:


Github pages

Would I simply unzip the contents into a folder, set up a Git repository and proceed along the GithubPages instructions?


Hosting it onto the organization website

The organization I am doing a demo for has its own server and Drupal site. If I were to speak with IT about hosting this one-page demo, would they also need to set up Adapt Framework on their server? If I gave them the exported zip file, what else would they need to do?


Thank you!


Picture of Matt Leathes
Re: Setting up a demo course on a regular webpage
by Matt Leathes - Thursday, 30 August 2018, 9:23 AM

Hi Eri

You just extract the contents of the zip file and make sure index.html (not index_lms.html) is used as the launch page.

It is not necessary to have the Adapt framework installed in order to be able to run a course. The output of Adapt is just HTML5 web content, all you need to do is make sure the server you're running it from supports all the file types used in the course, in particular it's worth mentioning that Microsoft's IIS doesn't seem to support JSON files by default, though can be configured to do so.

If you definitely don't need SCORM functionality at all you should ideally also remove the Spoor extension from your course - or even disable it completely via Plugin Management (if you never want to use it in any course) - this isn't 100% necessary but it does remove a lot of files and code that are never going to be used.

Picture of Eri L
Re: Setting up a demo course on a regular webpage
by Eri L - Thursday, 30 August 2018, 4:01 PM

Thank you!