Hello everyone!
I understand from previous posts that it is possible to set up an Adapt course as one would with a regular webpage if you didn't need SCORM information.
However, I couldn't really find clear instructions about how to do this.
I am using the Authoring Tool, not the Framework, to create a one page course. Let's say I clicked "publish" on the Authoring Tool, which creates a zip folder. What would my next steps be?
Newbie here; thank you for your patience! :)
I am considering two options:
Github pages
Would I simply unzip the contents into a folder, set up a Git repository and proceed along the GithubPages instructions?
Hosting it onto the organization website
The organization I am doing a demo for has its own server and Drupal site. If I were to speak with IT about hosting this one-page demo, would they also need to set up Adapt Framework on their server? If I gave them the exported zip file, what else would they need to do?
Thank you!