Picture of Jorge Castrillo
Upgrade AT from v.0.2.2 to v0.6.0
by Jorge Castrillo - Tuesday, 11 December 2018, 4:40 PM

Hi guys,

Im trying to upgrade my AuthoringTool but i dont know how to do with this output...

Technical information:

Ubuntu server 18.04

Runing Authoring Tool v0.6.0

NVM controller installed,

Mongodb installed,

Grunt installed,

All installed correctly.


ubuntu@ip-172-31-44-167:~/adaptbuilder/adapt_florida$ node server
info: [11 Dec 2018 16:32:09 +00:00] configuration loaded from /home/ubuntu/adaptbuilder/adapt_florida/conf/config.json
info: [11 Dec 2018 16:32:09 +00:00] Supporting the following authentication types:
info: [11 Dec 2018 16:32:09 +00:00] - local
info: [11 Dec 2018 16:32:09 +00:00] You are currently running Adapt authoring tool v0.2.2 - v0.6.0 is now available
info: [11 Dec 2018 16:32:09 +00:00] The Adapt Framework being used is v2.0.7 - v3.3.0 is now available
info: [11 Dec 2018 16:32:09 +00:00] Run "node upgrade.js" to update to the latest version
info: [11 Dec 2018 16:32:09 +00:00] Connection established: adapt-tenant-florida
info: [11 Dec 2018 16:32:10 +00:00] Server started listening on port 5000
ubuntu@ip-172-31-44-167:~/adaptbuilder/adapt_florida$ node upgrade.js
info: [11 Dec 2018 16:32:43 +00:00] configuration loaded from /home/ubuntu/adaptbuilder/adapt_florida/conf/config.json
info: [11 Dec 2018 16:32:43 +00:00] Supporting the following authentication types:
info: [11 Dec 2018 16:32:43 +00:00] - local
info: [11 Dec 2018 16:32:43 +00:00] Connection established: adapt-tenant-florida

This script will update the Adapt authoring tool (and/or Adapt Framework) to the latest released version. Would you like to continue?
prompt: Y/n:  (Y)
Checking versions
Currently installed versions:
- Adapt authoring tool: v0.2.2
- Adapt Framework: v2.0.7
Checking for Adapt authoring tool upgrades...
Checking for Adapt Framework upgrades...
Update for Adapt authoring tool is available: v0.6.0
Update for Adapt Framework is available: v3.3.0
Upgrading the Adapt authoring tool...please hold on!
fatal: not a git repository (or any parent up to mount point /home/ubuntu)
Stopping at filesystem boundary (GIT_DISCOVERY_ACROSS_FILESYSTEM not set).

ERROR: 128

Picture of Matt Leathes
Re: Upgrade AT from v.0.2.2 to v0.6.0
by Matt Leathes - Tuesday, 11 December 2018, 5:20 PM

It seems to be suggesting that what you have in ~/adaptbuilder/adapt_florida is not a git repository

When you did the original install, did you $ git clone the adapt authoring project, as documented here?

Have a look in that folder, does it have a subfolder called .git? You might need to do ls -lah from the terminal to make sure it shows you all files & folders - the . at the start of the folder name makes it a 'hidden folder'