Picture of Lars Halkjær
Course import error "No matching document found"
by Lars Halkjær - Monday, 27 May 2019, 3:25 PM

During an import of a course exported from an AT 0.4.1 / 2.2.5 into an AT 0.8.1 / 2.4.0, I encountered this error (23 times with different IDs and versions):

error [27 May 19 15:04:09 +00:00] No matching document found for id "5c8799c9612ef907340c5bbc" version 271 modifiedPaths "statement"
error [27 May 19 15:04:09 +00:00] there was an error granting editing permissions

Assets gets imported, and the course is on the dashboard.

But some components are missing - the blocks are empty, and previewing yields a lot of errors of type "block 'Block title' missing component".

I had to switch the custom theme to Vanilla earlier in the process, as this would also halt the import.

Does anyone know what the above error actually means..?