Picture of Jason Chui
Unable to export course
by Jason Chui - Thursday, 4 July 2019, 10:47 PM


I am trying to export a course in AT v0.7.1 (Framework 4.1.1) for backup, and I get this error:


This is the full error message:

Command failed: grunt server-build:prod --outputdir=courses\5a151a268244078c253d0afc\5d1c603f27c150498c1d5f03\build --theme=5a151b368244078c253d0b19 --menu=adapt-contrib-boxMenu

Fatal error: Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open 'C:\AdaptLearning\adapt_authoring\temp\5a151a268244078c253d0afc\adapt_framework\src\core\js\models\itemsModel.js'
In module tree:



I tried to uncheck the plugin adapt-blinds from components, but the error persists. Please advise.

Picture of Tom Greenfield
Re: Unable to export course
by Tom Greenfield - Friday, 5 July 2019, 2:47 PM

The reference to itemsModel.js hasn't been present in the Blinds component for a while.

Suggest upgrading to the latest version in master?
