Picture of Nicola Willis
Re: Imported plug-ins are incompatible with framework version
by Nicola Willis - Wednesday, 25 September 2019, 8:44 AM

Good morning Chuck,

There are two scenarios that could cause a plugin to be categorised as red.

1) The "framework" version in the plugins bower.json is not compatible with the framework version in the AT. If your plugins framework version is ">=2.0.0" and your AT framework is "4.3.0" I would expect this to pass

2) The "version" field in the plugins bower.json is not a valid version number (eg it should be of the form x.y.z)


If the version appears to be of the correct format then I would suggest attempting to import the plugin on it's own to see if there is any more information there.



Picture of Chuck Lorenz
Re: Imported plug-ins are incompatible with framework version
by Chuck Lorenz - Wednesday, 25 September 2019, 11:37 AM

Thanks so much, Nicola.

Yes, it was the version numbers causing the problem. These components I inherited had formats like this:

  • 2.2.09

Changing these to the standard x.y.z format led to a successful import.

Picture of Nicola Willis
Re: Imported plug-ins are incompatible with framework version
by Nicola Willis - Wednesday, 25 September 2019, 12:55 PM

Great! Glad to hear :)