Hi folks,
The Adapt project is really gathering a head of steam now and a few of us thought it'd be good to have a face to face get together in September to celebrate the project's first birthday. So here's my suggestion:
- We do the first ever Adapt Hack in September during CultureTECH in Derry, Northern Ireland - This festival is a week long celebration of culture, arts and technology and is a lot of fun - check out the video of last year's event: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kCNoO91KR0s or the website which is culturetech.co
- We hold the event in a traditional Irish Cottage that we're turning into the Learning Pool Cottage for the week anyway - just to make it a bit more interesting! Check out the proposed venue here https://c2.staticflickr.com/4/3196/2802508741_f2f22b148a_z.jpg
- We invite people who are techs, creatives, educationalists and artists to participate to do something that we can showcase as part of the festival and also online afterwards
- We invite some people who are infulencers in the e-learning industry to come along and lend their support - Donald Clark is already in town so he's a good start
- We use this as an opportunity to review progress on the project and plan, with Sven the next 12 months' activity - there's a huge evening programme of music events which we can go along to - plus there's an MTV event at the weekend for anyone who wants to stay around.
I know getting to Derry may be a stretch for some people so to help, Learning Pool (and some others I'm hoping to announce soon) will offer a travel bursary to any individuals or start-ups who want to come but can't afford the ticket etc. If you are interested or have any feedback or suggestions please reply to this thread - I'd like to get this confirmed next week if I can.
Thanks - hope we can make this happen