Picture of Matt Leathes
Adapt will NOT be affected by the upcoming changes in Chrome 80
by Matt Leathes - Monday, 20 January 2020, 10:19 AM

Seeing as a few people have asked about this already: Adapt does not use synchronous xmlHttpRequests either in the core Framework code nor in any of the core plugins.

E-learning content creating using Adapt will therefore not be affected by the upcoming change in Chrome (v80) that will drop support for synchronous XHR requests on page unload (see https://www.chromestatus.com/feature/4664843055398912).

That said, you might want to check your LMS is not affected by this as it seems that any LMS running Rustici's SCORM Engine might be affected.

Picture of Andy Muir
Re: Adapt will NOT be affected by the upcoming changes in Chrome 80
by Andy Muir - Wednesday, 3 June 2020, 8:23 AM

Hi, all our Adapt courses have started having an issue since Chrome 83. The course status (passed / failed) records as expected, but the score is only recording 0% always, in Chrome 83. I realise this is most likely an LMS issue, but we are experiencing the issue in different Totara versions, as well as the latest Moodle version. I am not seeing the issue with scorm.com.

Anyone else having this issue, or any ideas?


Picture of Paul Steven
Re: Adapt will NOT be affected by the upcoming changes in Chrome 80
by Paul Steven - Wednesday, 3 June 2020, 9:31 AM

Hi Andy

We are also experiencing issues with latest versions of Chrome.

Assume it is related to the following:

Adapt records the session time and score when the course is closed so it sounds like your issues are related. The affected LMS systems are probably using synchronous XHR to save the final commit and hence it is failing.


Picture of Matt Leathes
Re: Adapt will NOT be affected by the upcoming changes in Chrome 80
by Matt Leathes - Wednesday, 3 June 2020, 11:24 AM

yes same here - so far only with Moodle 1.9 though - an old, unsupported, version we use for purposes I won't bore you with here.

Are the versions you are using up-to-date?

Picture of Matt Leathes
Re: Adapt will NOT be affected by the upcoming changes in Chrome 80
by Matt Leathes - Wednesday, 3 June 2020, 11:47 AM

One way to work around this would be to include a close/exit button in your course and have that:

  • call LMSFinish, then
  • close the window

The adapt-close extension is part of the way there already, if you were to remove the if...else conditions from this function, so that it looks like this instead:

 onCloseConfirm: function() {
    //ensure that the browser prompt doesn't get triggered as well
    var config = Adapt.course.get('_close');
    config.browserPromptIfIncomplete = config.browserPromptIfComplete = false;

    var scorm = require('extensions/adapt-contrib-spoor/js/scorm/wrapper');
    if (scorm) scorm.getInstance().finish();

then that should do the trick... though I suspect you'd also need to delay the call to top.window.close slightly because, as we know, the work the LMS is trying to do to save the data is asynchronous... something like _.delay(function() { top.window.close() }, 250); should do it...

Obviously you are relying on the learner remembering to close the course via the close/exit button that is in your course, that's something you'll just have to make clear/reinforce via course instruction text.


Picture of Andy Muir
Re: Adapt will NOT be affected by the upcoming changes in Chrome 80
by Andy Muir - Thursday, 4 June 2020, 3:45 AM

We have the issue on two different Totara LMS, neither of which are particularly up-to-date, due to lack of investment by the business. We have the LMS suppliers working on the fix.

We removed the close-exit button as it didnt work with one of the browser (probably IE11) which attracted complaints.

Thanks for your input.

Picture of Renan Jon Manuel
Re: Adapt will NOT be affected by the upcoming changes in Chrome 80
by Renan Jon Manuel - Thursday, 18 June 2020, 12:06 AM

Hi Matt, We're using SABA as our LMS and our ADAPTv4 framework-made courses are still having trouble with completion even after altering the adapt-close extension, bookmarking is also affected, I'm kinda stuck and hoping that someone can help. 

Here are the extension versions we are using on the affected courses
Adapt framework versions 4
adapt-close 1.1.1
adapt-contrib-bookmarking 2.1.2

Picture of Matt Leathes
Re: Adapt will NOT be affected by the upcoming changes in Chrome 80
by Matt Leathes - Tuesday, 4 August 2020, 4:02 PM

Hi there - and sorry for the slow response! I must have missed this one in all the craziness of the past few months.

We (Kineo) deliver a lot of courses that run on Saba - and ourselves have access to the Saba Content Lab for testing purposes - and have not experienced anything like this in any of our testing (which is frequent) nor have our clients reported any such issue...

On a related note, we believe that the Success Factors LMS has an issue with Chrome - at least this link and information we're getting from one of our clients strongly indicates that it has. Apparently there is no fix yet but we hear it is being worked on. I did try the workaround with adapt-close that I suggested in an earlier post in this thread - although our client initially said it helped they are now saying there's still an issue but we haven't received any further details.

Picture of Matt Leathes
Re: Adapt will NOT be affected by the upcoming changes in Chrome 80
by Matt Leathes - Thursday, 6 August 2020, 11:20 AM
although our client initially said it helped they are now saying there's still an issue but we haven't received any further details.

Update on this - apparently the adapt-close hack IS working OK, the issue they were referring to was something else. Unfortunately getting this info through 2nd or 3rd hand from people who aren't very (at all!) technical so it's quite hard to get to the bottom of what's actually wrong!