Picture of David Minutella
Fade background opacity in demo
by David Minutella - Friday, 8 August 2014, 8:01 PM

Is there any sharing of the background switch that happens in the demo between articles?  That's much smoother than my parallax attempts.  

Paul Welch
Re: Fade background opacity in demo
by Paul Welch - Friday, 8 August 2014, 8:55 PM

Hi David,

we we have something coming called background switcher which offers the functionality you describe. This will be available soon (along with a lots of other extensions). Unfortunately it isn't planned for release for another month or so. 




Picture of David Minutella
Re: Fade background opacity in demo
by David Minutella - Saturday, 9 August 2014, 2:46 AM

Brilliant!  I will keep an eye out for that to be sure.  Thanks so much.