In the authoring tool dashboard, the cog on each course gives you access to copy id to clipboard. Screenshots attached. This tells you the folder name of a course in the adapt back end. Depending on where you have the adapt AT installed it's easier or harder to find your way there but the path is
and in here will be a folder that matches the course id that you copied. If your install is on something like Azure or AWS you'll need a utility such as Cyberduck to find your way. If it's local and on MacOS a spotlight search does the trick.
then it's
frameworkid and courselibraryid will be unique to your install (I assume)
at /temp you'll see another folder that is generally empty too so look in both you see there.
It's a pretty confusing file structure until you get used to it – I mean what on earth are all the really important bits doing in 'temp'? But that's the way it is, counter-intuitive or not ; - )
As I say, I am no expert with the back end – just in the wonderful tradition of trial and error (and some great people on here have helped me with some pretty big errors I've made in a corporate production setting) I've worked stuff out… which is the really great thing about Adapt – you can gradually learn with it. So tread carefully going into the file/folder structure 'cos if you move something by accident all hell can / will let loose.
(and we're a few frameworks back from the latest, too, for numerous ridiculous reasons)