Picture of Andrea Schweiger
by Andrea Schweiger - Monday, 20 April 2020, 2:38 PM

Hi there,


 I m currently working with an Adapt Authoring Tool which needs to be upgraded. For example there are no flip cards and it only has vanilla, but no individual branding style is possible (background photos).

My terminal on MAC (newest version) shows me:

 Run node upgrade.

Nothing happens when I enter the code. Howe can I upgrade the Tool?



Picture of Simon Date
Re: Upgrade
by Simon Date - Monday, 20 April 2020, 3:14 PM

So when you type node upgrade nothing happens at all? Are you sure that it isn't just loading your request? You would have gotten a response if the command was incorrect and doing nothing.

Picture of Andrea Schweiger
Re: Upgrade
by Andrea Schweiger - Tuesday, 21 April 2020, 8:38 AM

yes, nothing happens, and I waited a long time.


Picture of Matt Leathes
Re: Upgrade
by Matt Leathes - Monday, 20 April 2020, 3:18 PM


Picture of Andrea Schweiger
Re: Upgrade
by Andrea Schweiger - Tuesday, 21 April 2020, 8:40 AM

Where can I see what version I have? An where do I have to writ in those commands? In my terminal? Thank you very much :-)

Picture of Andrea Schweiger
Re: Upgrade
by Andrea Schweiger - Tuesday, 21 April 2020, 8:51 AM

Upgrading from version v0.1.1 and Framework v1.x.x

This  happens, when I do this (look at attachment) on my terminal:

1) cd adapt_authoring

2) node server

3) terminal shows me that there is a new version of adapt

4) git pull: no reaction

5) I cannot see node modules and can't remove them

6) npm install doesn't work and so on...

Why ?

Her is official description:

When you run node upgrade.js, node reports that there're updates available for both the authoring tool and the framework, but nothing happens when you pressed the enter key to continue.

Make sure you're using node version at least v4.2.2, run the following commands:

  • git pull to pull the latest code to your local machine;
  • Then remove the node_modules directory;
  • Run npm install --production to install dependencies;
  • Run node upgrade.js to install the latest adapt framework; A prompt will ask you if you'd like to continue. If you would, simply press the enter/return key to accept the default of "(Y)".
  • Run grunt build:prod to build the web application;
  • Run node server launch the server; or if it is already running, refresh the page i

Picture of Matt Leathes
Re: Upgrade
by Matt Leathes - Tuesday, 21 April 2020, 9:32 AM

Because you're trying to run those commands whilst another command (node server) is still running.

You need to stop node server and then run the other commands.

You might find this helpful: https://github.com/adaptlearning/adapt_authoring/wiki/Just-Enough-Command-Line-for-Installing

Where can I see what version I have?

When the authoring tool is running, open the browser console and inspect the <html> element, you should see it has attributes that tell you what version of the authoring tool it is and what version of the adapt framework is installed in it.

Picture of Andrea Schweiger
Re: Upgrade
by Andrea Schweiger - Wednesday, 22 April 2020, 8:43 AM

Cool!!! Thank you so much! :-) It worked out!!