Picture of Christian Wehle
Not possible to add adapt-footer via Authoring Tool?
by Christian Wehle - Wednesday, 13 May 2020, 2:07 PM

Hi guys,

i've just successfully uploaded and enabled the plugin 'adapt-footer' in the Authoring Tool via 'Upload Plugin'. However, when I want to add it to a project, nothing happens when clicking on the button 'Add': 

Is there any simple way to fix this? Or any other way to add a footer to the main page of the Vanilla Theme? 

I would be very happy about some advice,

Picture of Matt Leathes
Re: Not possible to add adapt-footer via Authoring Tool?
by Matt Leathes - Wednesday, 13 May 2020, 2:50 PM

I don't believe 'adapt-footer' has actually been made authoring tool compatible. Although it has a properties.schema, if you look inside it, it's pretty much empty.

I see you've already logged a ticket with the owner of that plugin, which was my recommended next step!

You might try https://github.com/cgkineo/adapt-footer - not sure it's as full featured as the above but it definitely works with the authoring tool... switch to the release/v5 branch if you need the FW v5 compatible version.