Good day,
Programmed a course using Adapt framework v4, I set the spoor on the config.json as follows:
"_spoor": {
"_isEnabled": true,
"_tracking": {
"_requireCourseCompleted": false,
"_requireAssessmentPassed": true,
"_shouldSubmitScore": true,
"_shouldStoreResponses": true,
"_shouldRecordInteractions": true
It is my understanding that the learner doesn't have to go through the whole course, just pass the assessment in order to get a completion status submitted on the LMS, but somehow, it doesn't complete.
The spoor extension version im using is "2.1.3"
The spoor extension version im using is "2.1.3"
and adapt-contrib-assessment is "2.1.2"
Thank you
Thank you