Hello all.
I am new to the Adapt Authoring tool and started off recently installing it on my own desktop PC, but now I want to put it on my network so others can start using it.
My Windows 10 local installation was successful and when I run "node server" I get a message saying "Server started listening on port 5000". In short, it works as intended.
However, I've just installed Adapt authoring tool 0.10.3 and Adapt framework 5.6.1 on Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard and when I navigate to the adapt_authoring directory and run "node server" it stops at the point where it lists the version numbers and does not display the line "Server started listening on port 5000". More importantly, it doesn't work. When I browse to localhost:5000 I just see a Bad Gateway page.
All of the requisite applications are the latest versions downloaded today (mongoDB 64-bit 4.2), Node.js 12.18.2 and grunt-cli v1.3.2.
The framework and authoring tool are install in a subdirectory of C:\inetpub\wwwroot so that I can hopefully add Adapt as a site in IIS if I can actually get it working. But one thing at a time!
Any ideas why it might not be working?