Hi guys, me again, haha.
I've just tried adding the "Stacklist" plugin, and came up with the following errors when trying to rebuild my project from the Author Tool:
Command failed: grunt server-build:prod --outputdir=courses\6009fbc471503f2a64110344\6009fca6271ae0246060e5bb\build --theme=6009fc5471503f2a6411035f --menu=adapt-contrib-boxMenu
Fatal error: {
"message": "variable @primary-color is undefined",
"type": "Name",
"filename": "src/components/adapt-stacklist/less/stacklist.less",
"index": 178,
"line": 10,
"column": 19,
"callLine": null,
"extract": [
"\tmargin-bottom: @item-margin;",
"\tbackground-color: @primary-color;",
"\tcolor: @primary-color-inverted;"
I also had this same issue with another plugin I was trying (undefined Less variables), but in that case I just deleted the plugin and moved on.
If I replace those variables with regular content (eg: #fff instead of @primary-color), the plugin works.
Can somebody tell me why this might be happening? I'm presuming the plugin is trying to call the Adapt Less variables, but cannot find them? Perhaps there's been a location change as the Author Tool/Framework has ben updated?
Thanks for any help on this.