Picture of Ami Treharne
LMS compatibility- embedded URL?
by Ami Treharne - Tuesday, 9 March 2021, 1:30 PM


We've had a message back from one of the LMS owners we are hoping to host with. They state that the adapt SCORM file is incompatible with their site:

'In summary, it would seem that the packages are incompatible with the website because they do not have the environment URLs embedded.' 

Has anyone come across this before or know if there is a quick fix?

(Using AAT v5)

Picture of Matt Leathes
Re: LMS compatibility- embedded URL?
by Matt Leathes - Tuesday, 9 March 2021, 3:10 PM

Hi Ami

I've been working with SCORM for the best part of 20 years and I have never heard of this requirement...

Picture of Ami Treharne
Re: LMS compatibility- embedded URL?
by Ami Treharne - Wednesday, 10 March 2021, 10:49 AM

Thanks Matt, I'm trying to get some more information from them. But I think they need the URL to contain the same info/address as the LMS it will hosted on. 

e.g. www.LMS.org/Amiscourse

I noticed on another thread that someone had queried changing a page URL, do you know if it's possible to do for the course as a whole? Happy to download the framework and have a play if needed. 

Picture of Oliver Foster
Re: LMS compatibility- embedded URL?
by Oliver Foster - Wednesday, 10 March 2021, 11:36 AM

"the environment URLs"

What environment and which urls from that environment are expected to be embedded where in the package?

Picture of Matt Leathes
Re: LMS compatibility- embedded URL?
by Matt Leathes - Wednesday, 10 March 2021, 11:43 AM
But I think they need the URL to contain the same info/address as the LMS it will hosted on.

That is definitely not a requirement of SCORM.

In fact, it's the absolute opposite of the ethos underpinning SCORM which is that a SCORM package should be 'portable' i.e. you should be able to upload it to any SCORM-conformant Learning Management System without needing to modify it in anyway.

Try publishing your course and uploading it to SCORM Cloud or Moodle, you'll see you don't need to modify it. Then ask your LMS people why it is not necessary to modify it for these LMSes but it is for theirs.

By the way, it's worth noting that Adapt does not set the URL of the course. It's the server the Adapt course is hosted on that defines this.

Adapt does 'append' to the URL, changing the location hash part - something that's pretty standard for single page web applications.

The thread you link to is a question about amending the page ids Adapt adds to the location hash to make them more readable for a course published from the authoring tool (which automatically generates page ids; in the framework you have to set these up yourself).

Picture of Matt Leathes
Re: LMS compatibility- embedded URL?
by Matt Leathes - Wednesday, 10 March 2021, 11:46 AM

Just a thought - are your LMS people perhaps thinking that the course is going to be hosted on the Adapt Authoring Tool itself? You might need to explain to them that the authoring tool is just for authoring the content, when complete it will be published and downloaded as a .zip file which can then be uploaded to their LMS.

Picture of Barry Jenkin
Re: LMS compatibility- embedded URL?
by Barry Jenkin - Monday, 15 March 2021, 2:14 AM

Or possibly the LMS host received the source files (via 'Export source' option in AT) instead of the SCORM zip (via 'Publish course')?

Picture of Ami Treharne
Re: LMS compatibility- embedded URL?
by Ami Treharne - Tuesday, 16 March 2021, 8:56 AM

Thanks all, it seemed an odd request to me but wanted to check it wasn't a common thing. 


Barry- I wonder if this is what has happened, I'll check with the team member and I have a meeting with the LMS team soon so will make sure I give them the 'published' version to see if that sorts the bugs out!