Picture of Sherri Fricker
Glossary not scrolling to term
by Sherri Fricker - Thursday, 20 May 2021, 5:47 PM


We are using the Glossary extension through the Adapt Authoring tool

  • Authoring tool version 0.10.5
  • Framework version 5.12.1

When we click on a glossary link, the following happens for some but not all of the terms

  1. The glossary panel opens
  2. The glossary term is opened
  3. The glossary scrolls to the linked term so that the user does not have to do this.

For some of the other terms, steps 1 & 2 occur but step 3 is skipped requiring users to have to scroll on their own. This is problematic in a longer glossary list.

The HTML code we are using to link the glossary terms is <a data-glossaryterm="CAC" href="#"><strong>Coaching Association of Canada (CAC)</strong></a>

Is there a way to fix it so that all terms are scrolled to automatically?


Picture of Oliver Foster
Re: Glossary not scrolling to term
by Oliver Foster - Monday, 24 May 2021, 8:22 AM

Could you please put this as an issue alongside the code on github? Or if the issue exists there already, comment on it?

Picture of Sebastian Hanlon
Re: Glossary not scrolling to term
by Sebastian Hanlon - Friday, 4 June 2021, 6:13 PM