Hi guys, we've discovered a potential major bug that has appeared presumably after the last code update.
It seems if you upload a course built using the latest Adapt Author Tool build, and then close it before getting to the quiz, when you reopen the course the bookmarking does not work, trickle has reset all the pages to unviewed (using sequential lock), and the quiz is set to complete. If you then go into the quiz, you can answer the questions but the pass/fail response will not display and is not passed on to the LMS).
Steps to recreate
- in Adapt Author Tool (0.10.5, Framework 5.15.2), publish course
- Upload course to LMS
- Open course in LMS and navigate partially through course
- Close course before getting to quiz/assessment and then reopen in LMS
- Course pages have been reset to not viewed, and quiz has been set to viewed (although the progress bar is still greyed out).
I've tested this in both our LMS (Sumtotal) and Scormcloud with the same results.
I've also tested a couple of different courses, to ensure it wasn't just one. All have the same issue.
In case it is something specific to our courses, I've attached one of our course templates for you to check.