Picture of Chuck Lorenz
earliest boxMenu that is editable in AT
by Chuck Lorenz - Tuesday, 5 October 2021, 8:00 PM

[AT v0.10.5; FW v4.4.1]

I have a menu that I would like to be editable within the AT, but the FW version has to be 4.x.x, and I won't modify the AT code--gotta keep it standard for the client.

When I research FW versions at the time config editor improvements were made for Vanilla and boxMenu, this is what I see:

  • AT gets its theme editing capability with v0.8.0 released on May 3, 2019.That version works with FWv4.2.
  • Vanilla got a massive improvement to its properties.schema with Vanilla v4.1.1 (May 3, 2019). That version works with FWv4.
  • boxMenu got a massive improvement to its properties.schema with boxMenu v5.0.0 (Nov 19, 2019). But that version requires FWv5.

Hmm. Does the improved properties.schema in boxMenu v5.0.0 actually require FWv5? Or was it the other fixes released at the same time that required FWv5?

Well, I improved the properties.schema in boxMenu v4.1.0 using v5.0.0 as a model. I uploaded it to my AT running FWv4.4.1. No new config editor appeared to take menu input. Bummer.

Should I be able to get an AT running FWv4 to present a config editor for a menu? If so, what might I be overlooking? There're plenty of differences between boxMenu v4.1.0 and v5.0.0--but not much seems to impact the AT other than the properties,schema and bower.



Picture of Chuck Lorenz
Re: earliest boxMenu that is editable in AT
by Chuck Lorenz - Tuesday, 5 October 2021, 8:54 PM

Pleased to report that the menu config editor has appeared. I surmise it was an issue of browser cache.

Picture of Oliver Foster
Re: earliest boxMenu that is editable in AT
by Oliver Foster - Tuesday, 5 October 2021, 9:04 PM

Ohhh those dang browser caches!


Glad you figured it out.