Picture of Michael Filkorn
Changing Language unlocks blocks
by Michael Filkorn - Wednesday, 29 June 2022, 5:29 AM

Dear adaptlearning-community,
I’m experiencing a strange behaviour in my project with the language picker and trickle component. I’m using trickle on block-level. Whenever I change language using the language picker, all blocks are unlocked, and the trickle-buttons are not showing anymore. I recently switched to FW Version 5.20 (the adapt-contrib-trickle Version is 6.2.0, adapt-contrib-languagePicker Version is 5.0.1). In my previous projects, using FW V5.2, everything worked well. Does anyone have the same problem or can give some advice?
Many thanks in advance. 

Picture of Oliver Foster
Re: Changing Language unlocks blocks
by Oliver Foster - Wednesday, 29 June 2022, 8:59 AM

Could you please post and issue on adapt-contrib-languagePicker?  https://github.com/adaptlearning/adapt-contrib-languagePicker/

Picture of Michael Filkorn
Re: Changing Language unlocks blocks
by Michael Filkorn - Wednesday, 29 June 2022, 9:45 AM

Thanks for the quick response Oliver. I added the issue on github. I hope this helps :-)