Picture of Tom Taylor
Authoring Tool Release v0.11.0
by Tom Taylor - Wednesday, 19 October 2022, 2:32 PM


To add to the excitement of the authoring tool v1.0.0 reaching its first release candidate, the Adapt team is pleased to announce a new release to the current (legacy) codebase: v0.11.0

This release bundles a number of minor changes and most importantly, security updates. Highlights from this release include:

  • Various fixes to the install/build processes for newer versions of the framework
  • Added support for ES6 code in the front-end app
  • Dropped requirement of global grunt-cli installation (for anyone using this feature: this means a slight change in how you rebuild the front-end. Check the CHANGELOG.md for more details)
  • Replacement for the old/deprecated data migration process
IMPORTANT NOTE: users updating from an existing installation will see an error message at the end of the upgrade process. This is related to the removed data migration process, and can be safely ignored. All migrations will be run automatically as a one-time fix once the app is started post-upgrade with with node server.

Please see the CHANGELOG.md for full details, and get in touch if you experience any issues - either on here, or in the Gitter.im chatroom.