Picture of Chuck Lorenz
Adapt UI Kit for Adobe XD
by Chuck Lorenz - Tuesday, 21 March 2023, 1:57 PM

Hi folks,

Simon Date and I created ADAPT.tips with the hope of encouraging the adoption and use of the Adapt framework and authoring tool. Many conversations about what could enhance workflow frequently circled back to the usefulness of a UI Kit -- something that could speed up the development of themes and art direction, something that could support accuracy in the hands of designers who are new to Adapt, something that could improve communication across teams.

Well, after many months of work, I'm here to proudly announce that the Adapt UI Kit for Adobe XD has been released for sale. I hope you will jump out to assessĀ the product and see if it's right for you and your organization. (And we have a 14 day "for any reason" refund policy, so there's little risk.)

I know most of us who visit this forum are developers. XD is not found in the typical developer toolkit. If you haven't dug into XD, I'd encourage you to explore the features that support the developer's role in production. Significantly, XD can export many CSS values for you, and there are some interesting plugins, like one that connects to VS Studio. And we worked diligently to accurately reproduce the Vanilla theme in measurements and component construction. We felt like we were building in "guard rails" for graphic designers, making it easier for them to pass along cleaner art direction. I'd like to think this will reduce some back-and-forth between graphic designers and developers over what's an intentional design decision and what was an inadvertent deviation.

Hope this is helpful to you.

Chuck Lorenz