Picture of Michael Skeldon
Alternative text for graphics not working
by Michael Skeldon - Wednesday, 20 March 2024, 10:45 AM
I've had feedback from someone using a screen reader that alt text isn't working for our learning content.
I think the issue relates to images in narrative and photostory components.
When I inspect the code (on the website or Adapt preview) for a narrative component image I don't see the alt text anywhere. All I see is aria-hidden="true".
I've added a screenshot showing the alt text in Adapt and what the preview code shows.
Can someone please explain what's happening and how I can the alt text to work?
For reference I am using:
data-adapt-framework-version="4.0.1" 11:12 

Thanks, Michael.

Picture of Oliver Foster
Re: Alternative text for graphics not working
by Oliver Foster - Wednesday, 20 March 2024, 11:37 AM

It's because you're using such an old version of the framework.


It has since been changed.