Picture of Chetan Sachdev
Hiding navigation buttons on popup page
by Chetan Sachdev - Thursday, 28 March 2024, 5:51 PM

I am using v5.2.0 of adapt framework and v0.10.3 of adapt authoring. I have included a page as a popup in my text component. 


I want to hide nav__btn only for the popup. Could someone guide me on how to achieve it.

I see there is an option to add Style in Advanced tab, but that takes only key:value. I need to use class selector for nav__btn to hide only on the popup.

Picture of Ignacio Cinalli
Re: Hiding navigation buttons on popup page
by Ignacio Cinalli - Friday, 29 March 2024, 9:43 PM

Hi Chetan,

If you only open that page from a popup, you can assign a CSS class in the HTML.

Edit your theme or use custom Less/CSS in project settings and add, for example:

.hide-nav-buttons .nav__btn {

Then edit the page that goes in the popup and in HTML Classes, add: hide-nav-buttons