Picture of Irina Amelkina
Accessibility for screen reader users in adapt
by Irina Amelkina - Thursday, 13 June 2024, 2:34 PM

Hi all.
 I'm using a menu in Adapt where I can enable a green tick to show users they have completed this section. But this green tick is not announced by a screen reader. When focusing on a completed section, a screen reader doesn't announce that this is a completed section. is there anything in the course authoring tool I should enable/add to ensure this is announced?

Picture of Ignacio Cinalli
Re: Accessibility for screen reader users in adapt
by Ignacio Cinalli - Thursday, 13 June 2024, 6:04 PM

Hi Irina, are you using adapt-contrib-boxMenu or another menu?

Could you provide more details about the menu version and the version of the Adapt framework?

Which screen reader are you testing with?

Picture of Irina Amelkina
Re: Accessibility for screen reader users in adapt
by Irina Amelkina - Friday, 14 June 2024, 8:15 AM

Hi Ignacio, I'm using the Magazine menu with custom CSS.

For some reason, I cannot apply custom CSS to the boxMenu as I get an error every time I try to preview the course with enabled custom CSS. So I use another menu. 

I'm currently trying to find out the version of Adapt. Once I have it, I'll post it here.

Here's the green tick I mean:

Picture of Irina Amelkina
Re: Accessibility for screen reader users in adapt
by Irina Amelkina - Friday, 14 June 2024, 10:15 AM

Sorry, I didn't respond to your other questions. I'm using the NVDA screen reader. With regards to the version of the menu, I'm not sure how to check this. LearningPool is our Adapt provider so I'll have to ask them

Picture of Ignacio Cinalli
Re: Accessibility for screen reader users in adapt
by Ignacio Cinalli - Friday, 14 June 2024, 10:51 AM

Hi Irina, you should also consider asking LearningPool about the accessibility issue with the menu. Please note that both the magazine menu (which I am not familiar with) and the version of Adapt they use may be different from the open-source version of Adapt that is provided support in this forum.

Picture of Irina Amelkina
Re: Accessibility for screen reader users in adapt
by Irina Amelkina - Friday, 14 June 2024, 11:50 AM

no worries, thanks Ignacio!