Picture of Paul Hilton
Adapt create problem
by Paul Hilton - Wednesday, 15 October 2014, 2:22 PM


I have previously built a course successfully (You can try it out here - any advice welcome), but now when I run "adapt create" I am seeing problems.

"grunt build" returns 

>> NameError: variable @ie8-max-width is undefined in src/less/adapt.less on line 83, column 19:

Which I found in the forums, and as described "adapt install" has fixed the issue.

Should I have to run "adapt install" after "adapt create"?

Also although I can build now there is an issue in the course structure  - there is a 2nd folder with the project name inside the project root containing an src folder... 

It *feels* like "adapt create" installed the src during setup, but at the wrong location.

Should I have stopped writing at "'adapt install' has fixed the issue", or do you think there something going on?



Picture of Chris Jones
Re: Adapt create problem
by Chris Jones - Friday, 17 October 2014, 9:59 AM

Hi Paul what OS are you working on? There may be an issue with the CWD changing. 

Picture of Paul Hilton
Re: Adapt create problem
by Paul Hilton - Friday, 17 October 2014, 10:32 AM

I agree it does feel like that.

I'm using OSX and have tried in ubuntu 12.04 and 14.04. All with the same issue.


Picture of Todd Routson
Re: Adapt create problem
by Todd Routson - Tuesday, 21 October 2014, 11:19 PM

I am having the same issue. I am on Windows 7. I tried copying the 'adapt.less' file from a working course I created a while back but that didn't seem to fix it.

Picture of Jason Bell
Re: Adapt create problem
by Jason Bell - Wednesday, 22 October 2014, 5:41 PM

I also ran into this same problem where 'adapt create course' installs some of the dependencies, but misses other and requires running 'adapt install' to work correctly and eventually that even failed to work.

It got to the point when I ran 'adapt create course' core dependencies became missing (such as 'cookie-signature', 'fresh' and various karma extensions) and was apparent something horribly went wrong since adapt create would finish, but never gave the notification to change course directory or run grunt build/server. The only fix was to remove all global npm packages and start with re-installing node.js.

After the wiping the slate clean, I was able to build a few adapt courses normally before seeing the dependency issue again, which requires running 'adapt install' to solve.

System Win7.