This is the first time I've used a process like this. It's neat. Complicated (for good reasons) but still neat. Managed to Google my way through getting a test build and I ran into a couple of problems:
- Building into my user folder, after building none of the tools I'm using will let me write / save. Says I don't have permission. Went through several processes to update the permissions, one of which worked. Just curious why the build is walling up the structure this way? You'd think the process wouldn't create this hurdle.
- Second, in the build there is some mystery. Building creates a nested folder with my project name and what looks like duplicate src structure. This could explain why none of my less updates were applying last night at the turn of midnight:) Is there some reason to have a duplicate like this? What's the purpose and which src contains the .less targeted by the build script?
I'm sure I'll have more questions. We're just getting started with this. So far, I love the concept. Started building a sloppy proof of concept three or four years ago with similar aims.
Can't wait for the tool to hit the streets. The existing process isn't impossible but could be inaccessible for many.