Sorry I still don't really understand. It sounds more like you have an issue with your browser or trackpad/mouse. There shouldn't be any need to click to exit the scrolling environment.
What browser/operating system are you using?
Are you able to link to an example of this happening?
It sounds like you might be activating the Windows auto scrolling feature (by clicking the scroll wheel then moving the mouse up and down)?
Certainly Adapt doesn't do anything to the scroll bar of the course. I don't believe it is even allowed for a web page to do anything to the browser's scroll bars - except decide whether they should be available or not when opening a new window via JavaScript.
As for the launch.html - no you definitely don't want to put your course between those brackets. You shouldn't need to amend anything in that code in any way, it's complete already. You simply need to create a new HTML file called 'launch.html', paste that code into it, save it then add it to your course output so that you end up with a folder structure like this:
- adapt
- assets
- course
- libraries
- adlcp_rootv1p2.xsd
- imscp_rootv1p1p2.xsd
- imsmanifest.xml
- imsmd_rootv1p2p1.xsd
- ims_xml.xsd
- index.html
- launch.html
- log_output.html
- main.html
- offline_API_wrapper.js
You will then need to edit imsmanifest.xml and change the two instances of 'index.html' to 'launch.html' (so that the LMS uses launch.html as the page it launches instead of index.html)