Picture of Greg Pell
Adapt Authoring Tool Installation Trouble?
by Greg Pell - Monday, 8 December 2014, 5:29 AM

I am a bit of a newbie when it comes to front end development, however I have followed the instructions and have setup the development environment on my local windows machine to try and get the Adapt Authoring Tool running.  I have got to the point where I am running 'grunt server', my browser fires up the login screen for Adapt Origin but then I am stuck.

The 'Create and account' button doesn't work and gives me a page with the following error:

  "statusCode": "not-authenticated"

I don't have a clue what the default username and/or password could be and if I click 'Forgot password' it just hangs trying to load on another page.

Now I guess that I have either missed something here, but after going back through the installation steps numerous times and also looking around for some default user creds I a completely stuck. Any help would be greatly appreciated.





Picture of Dan Gray
Re: Adapt Authoring Tool Installation Trouble?
by Dan Gray - Monday, 8 December 2014, 9:56 AM

Hi Greg

You should be able to login using the credentials that you created during the install process that the app runs on first use. On the create default tenant screen you should have entered an admin user email and password. This is the super admin username and password.

I'm afraid the create account feature is still in development.


Picture of Greg Pell
Re: Adapt Authoring Tool Installation Trouble?
by Greg Pell - Monday, 8 December 2014, 10:29 AM

Thanks for responding Dan however I never got the install screen when first running the app. Is there a way I can get that to come up again? 



Picture of Dan Gray
Re: Adapt Authoring Tool Installation Trouble?
by Dan Gray - Monday, 8 December 2014, 11:46 AM

The app routes to the install screens if there is no config file (/conf/config.json). So you will need to delete this file. You should then get the install screens.

The install screens will take you through the configuration and will create a config.json file, download the framework and create a master tenant database as part of the setup.

This is if you are using the develop branch.


Picture of Greg Pell
Re: Adapt Authoring Tool Installation Trouble?
by Greg Pell - Monday, 8 December 2014, 10:33 PM

Thanks Dan. I got it working after removing the config.json file and starting again.  One strange thing though is that when I run GRUNT it throws an error "Fatal error: listen EADDRINUSE" which I think means it is trying to run on port 3000 which node is already running on. However it still loaded the browser and app and all appears to still be working...?!



