Picture of Chuck Lorenz
new component: multiColTextPlus
by Chuck Lorenz - Thursday, 11 December 2014, 9:08 PM

I put together a new component: multiColTextPlus. It allows you to add multiple instances of adapt-textPlus, controlling the widths and the gutters between each.

While I was not happy about dragging into the model elements of the view template (margin widths), creating a strategy for LESS styles that distinguished between the attributes of a yet undetermined number of component instances (subviews) was beyond me.

I'm open to thoughts about the appropriateness of my coding strategy and/or about how others have been able to achieve a similar level of control over layout.

Picture of Martin Sandberg
Re: new component: multiColTextPlus
by Martin Sandberg - Friday, 12 December 2014, 10:40 AM

Ok, that looks interresting. But what happens at other screensizes?

How would it look on mobile for instance?

Picture of Chuck Lorenz
Re: new component: multiColTextPlus
by Chuck Lorenz - Friday, 12 December 2014, 1:21 PM

The subviews/columns are formatted as inline-blocks, so on small screens they wrap. When an individual column is wider than the screen, its style is overwritten with "width:auto" so that the text can reflow within the allotted space. In the image below, you'll find that the left and right columns from the image in the original post have retained their specified width, but the center column with header "Technique" has a width of "auto".

The truncating of the text, inclusion of a "More" button, and deployment of a popup are features of the subview/subcomponent, adapt-textPlus, not of multiColTextPlus per se. multiColTextPlus acts as a "wrapper" and is dependent upon the standalone component adapt-textPlus. FYI, completion status of the main component is dependent upon the natural completion of the individual subcomponents, either by coming in view or by opening the popup.

I've included in the code just a couple more bowser.js tests for mobile and tablet. These supplement the typical tests for Adapt.device.screenSize. So the code is ready for a developer to tweak to meet needs.

I tried to be thorough with my README.md, but felt an easier introduction could be helpful. I've started a github page from which I plucked these images.