Developer Meeting Minutes - 31/10/2013
by Mark Lynch - Friday, 1 November 2013, 10:58 AM











Started work on Mediator pattern - A simple extension of backbone events, modelled events the same way DOM handles events, bubbling up events

- will publish on GIT for review and everyone else will take a look and feedback comments.

Working on folder structure branch - folders will get created by adapt install

Use one version of JQuery and got started on development

Also working on a couple of different prototypes to publish to GIT




On Holidays, called in to the meeting to see what was going on





Last week blocked by users (Apat users implementation), made a simple CRUD for users, wanted to work on tenants

Working on the plugin manger

Worked on localFS file manager

Working on permissions - key to the behaviours of the multi-tenancy, using policy files and a parser (most-of-this week and next will be spent on this feature)




Automated grunt build, install a plugin through bower and it installs a plugin through requireJS

Will upload to github, need to be approved and merged

Will work on the cli install for adapt




1. Multi-tenant doc needs approved, it’s in the forum

2. Data model pictures, need comments to make sure that the F/E is compatible with the framework

Working on design F/E stuff this week.




Got IRC setup

 Working on MVC with Ryan and Tony, crated a couple of diagrams to capture the front end MVP and has started to update the original stories to indicate MVP status