Picture of Chuck Lorenz
properties.schema for selecting assets
by Chuck Lorenz - Thursday, 29 January 2015, 2:06 PM

I'm playing around with a new timeline component that allows the user to add/select custom templates and data files. When using the authoring tool, I'm expecting the user to utilize the assets manager. So far, I've been unable to locate a working example of a component that allows the author to select a previously uploaded asset. Know of any? Is this feature working in the authoring tool?

My goal is to produce a properties.schema so that I can test the component in the authoring tool. I'm looking for the json that will give the author the ability to select an asset. I noticed the following in adapt-contrib-hotgraphic:
"inputType": "Asset:image"
Can someone confirm this works? Are there other values (whether yet working or not) that can be combined with "Asset:" in order to select something that is not an image? My needs particular to this component are to select (a) image, (b) json file, (c) hbs template.


Picture of Brian Quinn
Re: properties.schema for selecting assets
by Brian Quinn - Thursday, 29 January 2015, 3:13 PM

Hi Chuck,

The authoring tool, including the asset manager, has gone under significant re-work over the past few months in preparation for an official release and it is very close.  There will be full asset linking once it's released, which I'm hoping will be in the next week or two.

The properties.schema will be the place to put this, though if you need to select images, JSON files and Handlebars templates it's best to use:

"inputType": "Asset:other"



Picture of Chuck Lorenz
Re: properties.schema for selecting assets
by Chuck Lorenz - Thursday, 29 January 2015, 4:04 PM

Until release I'll use a text input for testing. Can you advise a path to use that will load an image that has been uploaded? I uploaded phones.png. When I use 'phones.png' or 'assets/phones.png', it won't load. The image is being passed as text/html.

phones.png is stored at
adapt_framework > data > master > assets > 73 > d3 > 73d3b0fbe3429e20700f96339d6b56a4916c647a.png

Thanks for any insight.

Picture of Chuck Lorenz
Re: properties.schema for selecting assets
by Chuck Lorenz - Saturday, 31 January 2015, 2:08 AM

Question resolved by the learningpool-merge branch:
