Picture of Martin Sandberg
Audioplayer not responsive
by Martin Sandberg - Tuesday, 10 February 2015, 12:59 PM

Hi all,

After a period of no projects in Adapt I am finally back with a new course to be created in the framework.

In my other projects we did not use audio, only video so I have not come up against this problem before.

The problem is that the audioplayer has a fixed size, it does not change with changed _layout from right to full. It does not change as the screen is resized down making it stick out from the component.

Has anyone else had this problem, and did you solve it?

Started an issue on the adapt-contrib-media github page:


Best regards,









Picture of Matt Leathes
Re: Audioplayer not responsive
by Matt Leathes - Tuesday, 10 February 2015, 7:04 PM

Hi Martin

I'm not sure we've ever used the media component purely for audio... so hard to say. It is possible for you to put an example up online somewhere so that people can take a look?

Picture of Martin Sandberg
Re: Audioplayer not responsive
by Martin Sandberg - Wednesday, 11 February 2015, 12:56 PM

Hi Matt,

I have uploaded a standard Adapt course with only the "Big Buck Bunny" video exchanged for an audiofile instead.

You can see it here:







Picture of Matt Leathes
Re: Audioplayer not responsive
by Matt Leathes - Thursday, 12 February 2015, 7:42 PM

OK yes, I certainly see what you mean.

I've had a bit of a look, and it seems that the code in Adapt itself that tells the underlying <audio> element to resize (line 23 of adapt-contrib-media.js) is doing what it's supposed to, it's just that none of the MediaElement custom interface assets are then adjusting accordingly, like they do when it's video.

I'll post something on the developer chat tomorrow to see if anyone is able to take a look - but I have a suspicion that the fault may like in the depths of MediaElement itself... if so it will be hard to fix.

Picture of Łukasz Grela
Re: Audioplayer not responsive
by Łukasz Grela - Friday, 13 February 2015, 8:51 AM

I'm sure it is on the side of the MEP, and I wasn't able to find the solution, there is an option to pass the 100% as default audio width but this doesnt work properly. Anyways I've filed a bug https://github.com/johndyer/mediaelement/issues/1424