Picture of Richard Hubbert
Authoring Tool help
by Richard Hubbert - Monday, 2 March 2015, 9:40 AM

Trying to get the Authoring Tool installed. I'm on OSX

I have done everything in the installation 

Terminal eventually asks for Master Tenant info .. and then nothing else

A couple of questions:

When I download Mongo where do I install .. how do I connect this with Adapt ...

Picture of Tom Taylor
Re: Authoring Tool help
by Tom Taylor - Monday, 2 March 2015, 3:30 PM

Hi Richard,

You can install mongo wherever you like (see the mongo DB installation instructions for more details). On my dev computer, I installed manually, which involved putting the source files somewhere, and then updating my computer's PATH (which is basically just a list of locations on your computer that you've installed executable programs). You will also need a folder for mongo DB to store data. By default this is /data/db.

To install the authoring tool, you need to start mongo (by running the mongod command) then in another terminal window, cd to the folder containing the source code for the authoring tool, and run node install which will start the install script. You will then be taken through the install process, and be prompted to enter various parameters (you can leave most of these as their default values). 

If you need anything I've said above explaining in more detail, let me know (I have no idea how much technical knowledge you have, so may have gone into too much/not enough detail).

If you haven't already, you'll find better installation instructions in the tool's README.

Picture of Richard Hubbert
Re: Authoring Tool help
by Richard Hubbert - Tuesday, 3 March 2015, 3:59 PM

2 Questions

How to connect Mongodb to the authoring tool?

What are the correct configuration settings once you have run node install?


Picture of Sergio Robles
Re: Authoring Tool help
by Sergio Robles - Sunday, 15 March 2015, 1:31 PM


Once I installed the authoring tool (I see it correctly on port 5000) I have not been able to create even a course. It seems as if there were no connection to the database.

What am I doing wrong?

Thank you in advance!

Picture of stephen lane
Re: Authoring Tool help
by stephen lane - Monday, 16 March 2015, 4:45 PM

Im having the same issue :( any ideas ?

Picture of Brian Quinn
Re: Authoring Tool help
by Brian Quinn - Monday, 16 March 2015, 5:17 PM

Hi all,

There are a few keys in conf/config.json which control how the web application connects to the database.  Can you verify that these keys are set correctly?

  • dbType (should be "mongoose"
  • dbHost (use "localhost" if it's on the same machine)
  • dbName (you will have specified this during install, usually "adapt-master")
  • dbPort (typically 27017)

Use a package like RoboMongo to verify that you can connect using the dbHost and dbName settings.

Picture of stephen lane
Re: Authoring Tool help
by stephen lane - Wednesday, 18 March 2015, 12:14 PM

Hi there,


I have checked all my settings and they are the same

Picture of Dennis Heaney
Re: Authoring Tool help
by Dennis Heaney - Thursday, 19 March 2015, 9:20 AM

Hi Stephen,

Can you check that the mongod service is currently running? On OSX and Windows, the service needs to be started manually, unless you have configured it to run automatically.

You should be able to check if it is running by opening a Terminal/Cmd window and typing "mongo". It should connect to the server if running and print a message to tell you so. If the server is not running, you will get a message like "Error: couldn't connect to server".

If you do get the connection error, you should start the mongo service. On OSX you can do this manually by opening a terminal and typing "mongod" (you must leave the terminal window open). On windows, you can follow the instructions here.

Please try this and let us know the result.


Picture of stephen lane
Re: Authoring Tool help
by stephen lane - Thursday, 19 March 2015, 10:03 AM

Hi Dennis,


I am running on ubuntu 14.04. Mongo is running, however if I type monogd it get errors.

Picture of stephen lane
Re: Authoring Tool help
by stephen lane - Thursday, 19 March 2015, 10:51 AM

changed node to 10.33 instead of 12 and it works :)

Picture of Helen Bailey
Re: Authoring Tool help
by Helen Bailey - Thursday, 19 March 2015, 11:48 AM

Excellent I think this was the same problem I was having with mine so I'll do this too.




Picture of Helen Bailey
Re: Authoring Tool help
by Helen Bailey - Thursday, 19 March 2015, 4:00 PM

I changed to 0.10.33 and all my created projects that never showed up have now showed up!!!


Thanks all :)