Picture of Łukasz Grela
Authoring Tool - tool not starts, console shows 404
by Łukasz Grela - Friday, 20 March 2015, 8:26 AM

I have tried to install but failed miserably, the showstopper is the following error from browsers console:

  • GET http://localhost:5000/api/authcheck 404 (Not Found) jquery.js:8706
    • jQuery.ajaxTransport.send jquery.js:8706
    • jQuery.extend.ajax jquery.js:8136
    • Backbone.ajax backbone.js:1197
    • Backbone.sync backbone.js:1178
    • _.extend.sync backbone.js:284
    • _.extend.fetch backbone.js:437
    • (anonymous function) app.js:81
    • jQuery.Callbacks.fire jquery.js:3048
    • jQuery.Callbacks.self.fireWith jquery.js:3160
    • done jquery.js:8235
    • jQuery.ajaxTransport.send.callback jquery.js:8778

I have logged it also here: adapt_authoring/issues/605

Has anyone had similar issues? Has anyone got a step by step installation process on Windows 7 32bit machine?

Picture of Dennis Heaney
Re: Authoring Tool - tool not starts, console shows 404
by Dennis Heaney - Friday, 20 March 2015, 8:48 AM

Hi Łukasz,

I believe a 404 from that api indicates that the user was not found. Can you verify 1) that you have logged in first with a valid user account, and if so 2) that the user record exists in the database specified in the conf/config.json file?



Picture of Łukasz Grela
Re: Authoring Tool - tool not starts, console shows 404
by Łukasz Grela - Friday, 20 March 2015, 9:07 AM

What do you mean user? Like windows user? I havent done anything other than specified on WIKI installation page adapt_authoring/wiki/Installing-Adapt-Origin,

Picture of Dennis Heaney
Re: Authoring Tool - tool not starts, console shows 404
by Dennis Heaney - Friday, 20 March 2015, 9:43 AM

I see. The wiki page may be out of date. The most up to date instructions are in the README.md for the tool, here:


If you have installed the dependencies as per the wiki, the only steps you might need to take are to run a 'git pull' to fetch the latest version of the develop branch, then run 'node install'. This will walk you through the creation of your authoring tool user account.

I will update the wiki page.

Picture of Łukasz Grela
Re: Authoring Tool - tool not starts, console shows 404
by Łukasz Grela - Tuesday, 7 April 2015, 10:36 AM

During installation I've used normal user name, but then the tool was expecting to insert the email as user name, when I've reinstalled with the email as user name now it works (this was an issue after I've followed up-to-date steps) :).