Picture of Helen Bailey
Changing backgroundB.jpg etc
by Helen Bailey - Tuesday, 24 March 2015, 1:34 PM

In which folder do I replace for example backgroundB.jpg - the pale cranes image, so that when I preview my work I see my new image?


Thank you in advance.

Picture of Don Townsend
Re: Changing backgroundB.jpg etc
by Don Townsend - Monday, 20 April 2015, 9:37 PM

I second this question. Got the authoring tool installed locally yesterday after a little trouble with my nodist install (recommend against using the chocolaty installer as that seems to have been at the root of my issue). But anyway, as I was poking around the first thing I noticed was the cranes persist and I cannot find where to change them out. Can anyone help?

Loving the authoring tool so far.


Picture of Chuck Lorenz
Re: Changing backgroundB.jpg etc
by Chuck Lorenz - Monday, 20 April 2015, 10:32 PM

Hi Helen and Don,

Those three background images (BackgroundA/B/C).jpg are a part of the Vanilla theme. You'll find them referenced in theme.less. The CSS is expecting them to be in the assets folder of adapt-contrib-vanilla: "background-image: url(assets/backgroundB.jpg);"

Picture of Greg Pell
Re: Changing backgroundB.jpg etc
by Greg Pell - Monday, 20 April 2015, 11:39 PM

You beat me to it Chuck :) Just to add my two cents...

When I started working with Themes in the Authoring Tool I found that it was easer modifying the temp Theme that the Previewed Course was using so I could readily see my changes. Then when I was happy with it, I would copy out all of the files and make a new version to be published into the tool.

So to begin with I took a copy of the adapt-contrib-vanilla theme, changed it's name and version (in both the bower.json and package.json files), zipped up the folder and published it back into the Authoring Tool.

Please note that when doing so it puts the theme files in 2 locations:

  1. ../adapt_authoring/plugins/content/theme/versions/[theme_name]/[version]/[theme_name]
  2. ../adapt_authoring/temp/[tenant_id]/adapt_framework/src/theme/[theme_name]

The second location is the one you want to modify to see the changes when previewing he course. Every time you make a change there, go back into the tool, re-select your theme and click save. By doing so it will force the grunt process to re-build the course and show it using the latest changes from the theme folder in that second location.

I found this process a lot easier than making a change and publishing a new version of the theme each time...!


A note to the developers though....

If the grunt process only looks at the second location, what is the point of the first location? I am not a front end developer, but wouldn't it make more sense to just have those files in one location (location 1) (as that is version controlled) and then have the grunt process take the theme files from there each time and build the course?

Picture of Brian Quinn
Re: Changing backgroundB.jpg etc
by Brian Quinn - Tuesday, 21 April 2015, 11:08 AM

Hi Greg,

As you know the authoring tool is heavily dependent on the framework, and as such we're limited by the build process currently in use in version 1.1 of the framework.

There is still some internal debate as to whether the roadmap will allow multiple versions of plugins (extensions, components, themes, menus).  Right now the framework cannot support this, but the authoring tool could (potentially), at least we have the folder structures in place to support it. 

Regarding having the grunt process take the theme from the versions folders, we had toyed with the idea of using symbolic links in the temp folder, but ran into limitations with this prior to the 0.1 release.





Picture of Greg Pell
Re: Changing backgroundB.jpg etc
by Greg Pell - Tuesday, 21 April 2015, 12:26 PM

Hi Brian, Understand where you are coming from. Thanks for responding.