I've just enabled ffmpeg, but only after I already uploaded a few assets. Is there a command I can run to force thumbnail generation on all assets so that they all have thumbnails?
Hi Gary,
There's no code in the builder itself to generate missing thumbnails. You could use ffmpeg via the command line to accomplish this though. If it's only a few assets, it might be an option to run this individually. For something more, you could probably script it.
The documentation is here:
All thumbnails take the format originalfilename_thumb.png.
For others who might find this, I ended up using ImageMagick for the jpeg thumbs with this:
find . -regextype sed -regex ".*/[a-z0-9]*\.jpg" -exec convert {} -thumbnail 266x200 {}_thumb.jpg \;
within the adapt_authoring/data/master/assets/ folder.
A bit more tedious was editing each database record in the assets Collection (using Robomongo as I'm not yet comfortable working with mongo on the commandline).