Picture of Heather Edick
Cannot connect to localhost:5000
by Heather Edick - Thursday, 23 April 2015, 1:24 PM

Good morning!  I have set up the authoring tool on my Windows PC but I can't seem to open the tool using Chrome or Firefox at localhost:5000.  If anyone has any idea why I can't get the tool to run in the browser, I would be very grateful.

Here's a log file.  

├── portscanner@1.0.0 (async@0.1.15)
└── connect@2.29.1 (utils-merge@1.0.0, cookie-signature@1.0.6, cookie@0.1.2, fre
sh@0.2.4, pause@0.0.1, vhost@3.0.0, response-time@2.3.0, bytes@1.0.0, basic-auth
-connect@1.0.0, on-headers@1.0.0, content-type@1.0.1, parseurl@1.3.0, cookie-par
ser@1.3.4, depd@1.0.1, http-errors@1.3.1, connect-timeout@1.6.1, method-override
@2.3.2, qs@2.4.1, debug@2.1.3, finalhandler@0.3.4, morgan@1.5.2, express-session
@1.10.4, serve-favicon@2.2.0, csurf@1.7.0, type-is@1.6.1, serve-static@1.9.2, mu
ltiparty@3.3.2, compression@1.4.3, errorhandler@1.3.5, body-parser@1.12.3, serve

grunt-contrib-requirejs@0.4.4 node_modules\grunt-contrib-requirejs
└── requirejs@2.1.17

grunt@0.4.5 node_modules\grunt
├── dateformat@1.0.2-1.2.3
├── which@1.0.9
├── eventemitter2@0.4.14
├── getobject@0.1.0
├── colors@0.6.2
├── rimraf@2.2.8
├── hooker@0.2.3
├── async@0.1.22
├── grunt-legacy-util@0.2.0
├── nopt@1.0.10 (abbrev@1.0.5)
├── exit@0.1.2
├── minimatch@0.2.14 (sigmund@1.0.0, lru-cache@2.6.1)
├── glob@3.1.21 (inherits@1.0.0, graceful-fs@1.2.3)
├── lodash@0.9.2
├── coffee-script@1.3.3
├── underscore.string@2.2.1
├── iconv-lite@0.2.11
├── findup-sync@0.1.3 (glob@3.2.11, lodash@2.4.1)
├── grunt-legacy-log@0.1.1 (underscore.string@2.3.3, lodash@2.4.1)
└── js-yaml@2.0.5 (argparse@0.1.16, esprima@1.0.4)

grunt-contrib-handlebars@0.8.0 node_modules\grunt-contrib-handlebars
├── chalk@0.4.0 (has-color@0.1.7, ansi-styles@1.0.0, strip-ansi@0.1.1)
├── grunt-lib-contrib@0.5.3 (zlib-browserify@0.0.1)
└── handlebars@1.3.0 (optimist@0.3.7, uglify-js@2.3.6)

grunt-bower-requirejs@1.1.1 node_modules\grunt-bower-requirejs
└── bower-requirejs@1.1.3 (slash@1.0.0, object-assign@2.0.0, sudo-block@1.2.0, n
opt@3.0.1, chalk@1.0.0, file-utils@0.2.2, requirejs@2.1.17, update-notifier@0.3.
2, lodash@3.7.0)

grunt-jsonlint@1.0.4 node_modules\grunt-jsonlint
└── jsonlint@1.6.0 (nomnom@1.8.1, JSV@4.0.2)

grunt-contrib-less@1.0.1 node_modules\grunt-contrib-less
├── async@0.9.0
├── chalk@0.5.1 (ansi-styles@1.1.0, escape-string-regexp@1.0.3, supports-color@0
.2.0, has-ansi@0.1.0, strip-ansi@0.3.0)
└── less@2.4.0 (graceful-fs@3.0.6, mime@1.3.4, image-size@0.3.5, promise@6.1.0,
errno@0.1.2, mkdirp@0.5.0, source-map@0.2.0, request@2.55.0)

bower@1.3.12 node_modules\bower
├── is-root@1.0.0
├── junk@1.0.1
├── stringify-object@1.0.1
├── abbrev@1.0.5
├── chmodr@0.1.0
├── which@1.0.9
├── osenv@0.1.0
├── archy@0.0.2
├── rimraf@2.2.8
├── bower-logger@0.2.2
├── opn@1.0.2
├── bower-endpoint-parser@0.2.2
├── graceful-fs@3.0.6
├── lockfile@1.0.0
├── lru-cache@2.5.2
├── retry@0.6.0
├── nopt@3.0.1
├── tmp@0.0.23
├── request-progress@0.3.0 (throttleit@0.0.2)
├── q@1.0.1
├── chalk@0.5.0 (ansi-styles@1.1.0, escape-string-regexp@1.0.3, supports-color@0
.2.0, strip-ansi@0.3.0, has-ansi@0.1.0)
├── shell-quote@1.4.3 (array-filter@0.0.1, array-map@0.0.0, array-reduce@0.0.0,
├── bower-json@0.4.0 (intersect@0.0.3, deep-extend@0.2.11, graceful-fs@2.0.3)
├── semver@2.3.2
├── fstream@1.0.4 (inherits@2.0.1)
├── p-throttler@0.1.0 (q@0.9.7)
├── promptly@0.2.0 (read@1.0.5)
├── mkdirp@0.5.0 (minimist@0.0.8)
├── bower-config@0.5.2 (osenv@0.0.3, graceful-fs@2.0.3, optimist@0.6.1)
├── fstream-ignore@1.0.2 (inherits@2.0.1, minimatch@2.0.4)
├── tar-fs@0.5.2 (pump@0.3.5, tar-stream@0.4.7)
├── decompress-zip@0.0.8 (mkpath@0.1.0, nopt@2.2.1, touch@0.0.2, readable-stream
@1.1.13, binary@0.3.0)
├── request@2.42.0 (caseless@0.6.0, json-stringify-safe@5.0.0, forever-agent@0.5
.2, aws-sign2@0.5.0, stringstream@0.0.4, oauth-sign@0.4.0, tunnel-agent@0.4.0, q
s@1.2.2, node-uuid@1.4.3, mime-types@1.0.2, form-data@0.1.4, bl@0.9.4, http-sign
ature@0.10.1, tough-cookie@0.13.0, hawk@1.1.1)
├── glob@4.0.6 (inherits@2.0.1, once@1.3.1, minimatch@1.0.0)
├── bower-registry-client@0.2.4 (graceful-fs@2.0.3, request-replay@0.2.0, lru-ca
che@2.3.1, async@0.2.10, mkdirp@0.3.5, request@2.51.0)
├── cardinal@0.4.0 (redeyed@0.4.4)
├── mout@0.9.1
├── update-notifier@0.2.0 (semver-diff@0.1.0, string-length@0.1.2, latest-versio
n@0.2.0, configstore@0.3.2)
├── handlebars@2.0.0 (optimist@0.3.7, uglify-js@2.3.6)
├── inquirer@0.7.1 (figures@1.3.5, mute-stream@0.0.4, through@2.3.7, readline2@0
.1.1, cli-color@0.3.3, rx@2.5.2)
└── insight@0.4.3 (object-assign@1.0.0, chalk@0.5.1, async@0.9.0, lodash.debounc
e@2.4.1, os-name@1.0.3, tough-cookie@0.12.1, configstore@0.3.2, inquirer@0.6.0)

assemble-less@0.7.0 node_modules\assemble-less
├── async@0.2.10
├── grunt-lib-contrib@0.6.1 (zlib-browserify@0.0.1)
└── less@1.6.3 (mime@1.2.11, mkdirp@0.3.5, clean-css@2.0.8, source-map@0.1.43, r

Completed the npm install.

Installing plugins for the Adapt framework.
adapt-contrib-vanilla found. Installing theme ...

adapt-contrib-graphic found. Installing component ...

adapt-contrib-text found. Installing component ...

adapt-contrib-blank found. Installing component ...

adapt-contrib-narrative found. Installing component ...

adapt-contrib-accordion found. Installing component ...

adapt-contrib-textInput found. Installing component ...

adapt-contrib-matching found. Installing component ...

adapt-contrib-media found. Installing component ...

adapt-contrib-hotgraphic found. Installing component ...

adapt-contrib-mcq found. Installing component ...

adapt-contrib-gmcq found. Installing component ...

adapt-contrib-trickle found. Installing extension ...

adapt-contrib-tutor found. Installing extension ...

adapt-contrib-spoor found. Installing extension ...

adapt-contrib-assessment found. Installing extension ...

adapt-contrib-boxMenu found. Installing menu ...

adapt-contrib-slider found. Installing component ...

adapt-contrib-pageLevelProgress found. Installing extension ...

adapt-contrib-resources found. Installing extension ...

adapt-contrib-boxMenu has been installed successfully.

adapt-contrib-blank has been installed successfully.

adapt-contrib-graphic has been installed successfully.
adapt-contrib-text has been installed successfully.
adapt-contrib-accordion has been installed successfully.
adapt-contrib-tutor has been installed successfully.
adapt-contrib-narrative has been installed successfully.
adapt-contrib-textInput has been installed successfully.

adapt-contrib-matching has been installed successfully.
adapt-contrib-slider has been installed successfully.
adapt-contrib-mcq has been installed successfully.
adapt-contrib-trickle has been installed successfully.
adapt-contrib-pageLevelProgress has been installed successfully.
adapt-contrib-resources has been installed successfully.
adapt-contrib-hotgraphic has been installed successfully.

adapt-contrib-gmcq has been installed successfully.
adapt-contrib-assessment has been installed successfully.
adapt-contrib-spoor has been installed successfully.

adapt-contrib-media has been installed successfully.

adapt-contrib-vanilla has been installed successfully.

Successfully installed Adapt framework plugins.
You will now be prompted to set configuration items. Just press enter to accept
the default.
> Server port (5000)
> Server name (localhost)
> Choose your database driver type (enter a number)
1. mongoose
> Database host (localhost)
> Master database name (adapt-tenant-master)
> Database server port (27017)
> Data directory path (data)
> Session secret (your-session-secret) riley123
> Choose your authentication method (enter a number)
1. local
> Will ffmpeg be used? y/N (N) y
> Which SMTP service (if any) will be used? (see https://github.com/andris9/node
mailer-wellknown#supported-services for a list of supported services.) (none)
> SMTP username '
> SMTP password
> Sender email address
> Which output plugin will be used? (adapt)
Checking configuration, please wait a moment ...
(node) warning: possible EventEmitter memory leak detected. 11 serverStarted lis
teners added. Use emitter.setMaxListeners() to increase limit.
at Origin.addListener (events.js:179:15)
at Origin.once (events.js:204:8)
at initialize (c:\adaptlearning\adapt_authoring\plugins\content\menu\index.j
at Object.<anonymous> (c:\adaptlearning\adapt_authoring\plugins\content\menu
at Module._compile (module.js:460:26)
at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:478:10)
at Module.load (module.js:355:32)
at Function.Module._load (module.js:310:12)
at Module.require (module.js:365:17)
at require (module.js:384:17)
{ [Error: Cannot find module '../build/Release/bson'] code: 'MODULE_NOT_FOUND' }

js-bson: Failed to load c++ bson extension, using pure JS version
You will now be prompted to enter details for the master tenant.
> Set a unique name for your master tenant (master) moodle
> Set the display name for your tenant (Master) moodle
Creating master tenant file system for moodle, please wait ...
Master tenant moodle was created.
installing extensiontype plugins
installing componenttype plugins
installing themetype plugins
installing menutype plugins
Create the super user account. This account can be used to manage everything on
your Adapt builder instance.
> Email address hmedick@gmail.com
> Password
Compiling the front end application, please wait a moment ...
Running "build:prod" (build) task

Running "requirePlugins" task

Running "copy:main" (copy) task

Copied 40 files

Running "less:dist" (less) task

File frontend/src/adaptbuilder/css/adapt.css created.

Running "handlebars:compile" (handlebars) task

File frontend/src/templates/templates.js created.

Running "requirejs:compile" (requirejs) task


Done, without errors.

The front end application was compiled.
Installation complete.
Run the command 'node server' (or 'foreman start' if using heroku toolbelt) to s
tart your instance.

Heather@HEATHER-HP /c/adaptlearning/adapt_authoring (master)
$ node server
{ [Error: Cannot find module '../build/Release/bson'] code: 'MODULE_NOT_FOUND' }

js-bson: Failed to load c++ bson extension, using pure JS version
info: [23 Apr 2015 09:15:43 -04:00] configuration loaded from c:\adaptlearning\a
(node) warning: possible EventEmitter memory leak detected. 11 serverStarted lis
teners added. Use emitter.setMaxListeners() to increase limit.
at Origin.addListener (events.js:179:15)
at initialize (c:\adaptlearning\adapt_authoring\plugins\content\tag\index.js
at Object.<anonymous> (c:\adaptlearning\adapt_authoring\plugins\content\tag\
at Module._compile (module.js:460:26)
at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:478:10)
at Module.load (module.js:355:32)
at Function.Module._load (module.js:310:12)
at Module.require (module.js:365:17)
at require (module.js:384:17)
at c:\adaptlearning\adapt_authoring\lib\contentmanager.js:513:27
{ [Error: Cannot find module '../build/Release/bson'] code: 'MODULE_NOT_FOUND' }

js-bson: Failed to load c++ bson extension, using pure JS version
info: [23 Apr 2015 09:15:46 -04:00] Server started listening on port 5000

Picture of Thomas Berger
Re: Cannot connect to localhost:5000
by Thomas Berger - Friday, 24 April 2015, 7:22 AM

Hi Heather,

I had a similar problem. It turned out that I used the wrong Node Version. What is your Node Version?

Please enter the following Command into your Command Prompt:

node -v

It should be 0.10.33.

Best regards


Picture of Heather Edick
Re: Cannot connect to localhost:5000
by Heather Edick - Saturday, 25 April 2015, 10:39 AM

You were correct!  Thank you!

Picture of Ganesh Ubhare
Re: Cannot connect to localhost:5000
by Ganesh Ubhare - Thursday, 25 August 2016, 3:30 PM


I have installed the Adapt authoring tool. But when launched using 


it comes up with "app.loading" message.

Any help appreciated.
