Picture of Helen Bailey
boxmenu background
by Helen Bailey - Friday, 24 April 2015, 3:40 PM

my boxmenu background image or color doesn't fill far past the 4 boxes of the menu which means that it stops before 100% of the page on a wide monitor which looks silly. What's the best way to make the bakground fill 100% even if the menu boxes stop short of doing so?


Picture of Helen Bailey
Re: boxmenu background
by Helen Bailey - Friday, 24 April 2015, 3:51 PM

Hmmmmm kinda fixed it by playing with @menu-body-padding for menu-container-inner.

I changed it to :

padding:@menu-body-padding-top @menu-body-padding-sides 10%

This seems to fill the padding down past the bottom of the boxes enough for it to look acceptable on a big monitor.... not ideal though.