Design-stream stand up 06/12/2013
by Sven Laux - Thursday, 5 December 2013, 10:20 PM


in advance of the design stream call on Friday morning, I wanted to set the agenda and share my thoughts:

Thoughts first:

  • We have built a solid foundation with the concept documents.
  • Our primary objective on this stream is now to define the scope of the MVP and provide a greater level of detail around the functional requirements for the designers and architects.
  • The correct vehicle to describe this detail is in the form of user stories or requirements.
  • These user / stories requirements should be concise and focus on what the authoring tool enables learners to do (rather than how is achieves this).
  • We already have some prerequisite analysis in place: the user types and characteristics for the authoring tool as shared by Mark in the user stories spreadsheet. This also already includes plenty of relevant user stories.
  • Through the work, which Paul and I have been doing, we now also have a 60-80% complete view of the users and user stories of the Adapt Framework.

In order to arrive at the full detailed scope, we need to do the following:

  • Complete the user stories Framework -> Instructional Designer / Developer
  • Put the Framework stories next to the Authoring Tool stories and assess where the gaps are on both sides (I felt a mindmap format was the most helpful)
  • In collaboration (e.g. a workshop), explain and justify the user stories and then prioritise them to nail down the scope of the MVP.
  • Then will we be able to start the UI design work and revisit the product backlogs.

I have started the process of reviewing the user stories through comparison and gap analysis. This feels strongly like the correct path in order to get to a definite answer on 'what does the tool and the framework do'. I have uploaded the work in progress on this. Hopefully this will be helpful to paint the picture.

During this process, I have also experimented with grouping the tasks and arrived at a (hopefully helpful) breakdown of areas of responsibility for each of the user types. I expect this will be helpful in sense checking the approach and help designers and architects to engage with (and challenge) the concepts before doing the detailed work on the deliverables.

Agenda for the stand-up call:

As far as the design stand-up goes, we're not yet far enough down the line to define / argue the MVP. So rather than starting with that, I'd like to talk everyone through the thoughts and process tomorrow and see how we can join our forces to complete this particular task.

I will set up a webinar and distribute the details ahead of the call.

I hope that makes sense and is ok. Thanks,



Re: Design-stream stand up 06/12/2013
by Sven Laux - Friday, 6 December 2013, 12:14 PM

Notes from the call:

  • Sven talked through work in progress. We agreed that the key action on the design work stream is to carry on with the task outlined above. This means Sven and Paul will complete the mindmap. Everyone else to submit user stories by any means possible - to make sure we get a complete picture. This work should complete by end of Wednesday 11th Dec.
  • Next week's call will be about starting the process of explaining, prioritising and discussing the complete set of user stories with regards to narrowing down to an MVP.
  • We have agreed on a F2F workshop in the Kineo Brighton offices on 19th and 20th of December. The focus of this workshop will be to define the MVP, to review documentation and start work on the next set of design deliverables  (wireframes, functional spec, architecture spec) etc. I'd also like to include a review of the community site and start adding some of the instructions / resources we have promised.
  • Paul updated us on the demo materials. They are due to be completed by mid next week and our aim is to get them uploaded by the end of Friday, 13th December.

Please feel free to add any comments or questions.
